The Benefits of Computer RecyclingUpgrading your business to new computers can be exciting: you get the latest software, your processor is faster, and your employees can (hopefully) be more productive. But what happens to your old computers that you don’t plan on sticking in a storage closet to collect dust?

The benefits of computer recycling are worth exploring. Business owners who have a collection of old computers sitting around can not only clear up precious space, but also do the environment a favor by disposing of their computers the right way and mitigating their impact on the environment.

Take a look at some of the benefits you can expect:

The Benefits of Computer RecyclingConserve Resources

Recycling computers means not having to produce as many new parts to create new electronics. Many of the components in the computer are still useful and relevant, and a reputable recycling program can extract these items and ensure they’re put to good use.

Help Your Community

If you no longer need your old computers, recycling programs can refurbish the computers and donate them to organizations who need them most. Schools, non-profits, and low-income families will all appreciate the chance to acquire a new-to-them computer for a fraction of the cost of a new one.

The Benefits of Computer RecyclingCreate Jobs

Recycling computers hasn’t been taken over by automation and still requires a human element to make it happen. This is great news for the job sector, as it means people can make a living by doing something good for the environment.

How to Recycle Your Old Computers

At JHI, we’ve made it easy to recycle your old business computers. We’ll help you avoid tossing your computers into the landfill and can also help with erasing your data so that no one can access your critical files.

Contact us today for a free evaluation and schedule a pick-up service!