What Is the Difference Between SMT and SMD?

What Is the Difference Between SMT and SMD?

Struggling to understand what is the difference between SMT and SMD? As professional e-waste recyclers, we understand why people might find these terms confusing. That’s why we’re here to clear the air! SMT stands for surface mount technology, which is the umbrella...
How Do I Dispose of an Old Computer in Phoenix?

How Do I Dispose of an Old Computer in Phoenix?

Did you recently upgrade your computer? If so, what did you do with your old one? Is it sitting in the back of your closet or tucked away in a drawer? As technology continues to become a part of our everyday lives, it’s hard to figure out what to do with your old...
How Do I Dispose of Electronics in Phoenix?

How Do I Dispose of Electronics in Phoenix?

New electronics hit the market every day, from a new gaming system to the latest cellphone. What do you do with your old electronics? Do you throw them in a drawer to collect dust? How about having a pile of old computers and monitors sitting in your basement? There...
How Can E-waste Be Reduced

How Can E-waste Be Reduced

Have any old laptop computers, televisions, or game consoles lying around? E-waste refers to electronics that have reached the end of their regular lifecycle. And according to the EPA, American consumers and businesses discard 2.37 million tons of it each year. While...
Why E-Waste is Important

Why E-Waste is Important

Electronic waste (aka e-waste) refers to electronic products that are unwanted, not working, and nearing the end of their life. While it might be tempting to toss those items into your local garbage collection and call it a day, e-waste must be recycled at the proper...
How Many Computers Are Thrown Away Each Year?

How Many Computers Are Thrown Away Each Year?

Over the last thirty years, technology has changed in unimaginable ways. It seems like every time we turn around, there’s a new upgrade or gadget sweeping the nation. While the electronic revolution has contributed to society in many positive ways, it has also...